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The Eddystone Charity Sailing Pursuit. 

June 15th. Prize fund of £20,000 is shared between charity teams who sail around the Eddystone lighthouse. It's the 3rd largest fundraising event in the S.West.​


Target £3360 to send 24 students to study A levels at a residential college for 1 year​.


The Minchinhampton Nkokoto Link now supports a record number of 68 students. We have seen a massive increase in the number of children qualifying to study for A levels. The focus on education is working; 5 years ago only 3 qualified and now there are 24. The Link pays for their course materials, uniforms, board and lodging for the 2 year course. It is encouraging that the parents now allow their children to leave Nkokoto to have this opportunity. It costs only £140 / student / year but with the increased number of successful students, you can tell what we are sailing for.​


The Team.

Alison Kennedy (Treasurer; keen to win)

Chris Anders (Skipper; keen to come home safe) 

Liz Ball (Friend; keen to helm in a force 6; we may need her)

Andrew Dellow (Link supporter; keen to sail with us....we'll ask him again later).


​How can I help? If you can, please sponsor us in our bank account, Minchinhampton-Nkokoto Link (with a hyphon)

Sort code 30-98-29, Account number 07336429

Reference Eddystone and your name

Urgent Notice of Virtual Eddystone. Crew Wanted by 18.00h Friday 14th.

Newsflash: The Pursuit is cancelled. The conditions are too dangerous for the varied and large fleet. But the prize fund of £20,000 will be shared between the charities; virtual finishing position being decided mostly by money raised. As a charity we are so grateful to all our regular donors, but if anyone could make a special Eddystone donation to support the 24 A Level students, if you let us know by 18.00 Friday night…it will boost our virtual finishing position and maximise the money raised. We have tried so hard to win this event, and this year you can all sail it with us. Every penny in the bank is another meter closer to the virtual finishing line. If you can, please make a bank transfer with your name and Eddystone in the reference or let us know by 18.00h Friday 14th. You can push us over the finishing line for our best position yet, and you don’t even have to get wet!! Are you on the crew???


“The forecast weather conditions for Saturday are at best marginal and when the nature of the entrances to Plymouth together with a strong likelihood of ‘wind against tide’ conditions are taken into account the Trustees have taken the decision that it would be unwise to proceed and ask people to possibly risk damage to their boats, or worse their lives, in the pursuit of raising money for charity.”

In January to March 2024 we were incredibly grateful to  JERRY BALLINGER AND ANDREW DAVIES who ran their own Sponsored Weight Loss as the Rotary Club of Gloucester Severn supported the Minch-Nkokoto Link. They both lost 2 stone to raise over £2000 to support Students to learn a trade at the Folk Development College.

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